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About Author

Amelu Geta is a legendary writer, a senior pastor of Bole Emmanuel United Church, and an advocate for youth empowerment. His authorized experience with individuals, especially the relationship stories he shares with the community, is intensified by long-sighted years of pastoral experience and an immersed understanding of the trials young people face nowadays. Amelu's writings try to pass on some solid ideas concerning the issue of early marriage prevention among adolescents, sexual education for teenagers, and emotional intelligence and its role in teenage relationships.

He was born and raised in Ethiopia Addis Ababa, his business place; Amelu never missed the harsh reality that social forces often make young people make reckless decisions on matters of love and marriage. This experience marks his passion for encouraging the youths to make proper decisions that may play a pivotal role in labeling their futures. He is on a mission to ensure every young person gets knowledge and tools that will better enable him or her to navigate the complexities of love and commitment.